
What's a playshop? Well, most folks call them workshops, but when Reggie’s at the helm, they’re just too much fun to call work!

Reggie regularly leads playshops at schools, private events, conventions, places of worship, concerts, retreats and clinics.

Join Reggie as he takes you on a fascinating journey through history to explore the rhythms underlying blues, jazz, and funk. Combining his love and knowledge of history and music with a remarkable gift for storytelling, Reggie uses performance, demonstration and hands-on teaching to trace musical origins from Africa through the slave routes all the way through its evolution to modern styles.

If you'd like to book Reggie for a playshop, please contact Kristin Valinsky at [email protected] or 503.477.0415.


Individual Saxophone Lessons
To each lesson Reggie brings his extensive formal education and training in music, as well as a lifetimes’ worth of knowledge gained from playing with and learning from some of the most influential musicians in American history.

Individual lessons are available to saxophonists of all ages for an hourly fee of $65.00.

Group Saxophone Lessons
Available for youth group rehearsal-lessons and music consultation for students aged 8-20 years old. The hourly rate is $25.00 for each student with a minimum of four students per group (band). The group lessons are one and one-half hour in duration but considered only an hour of actual pay-time.

If you’re interested in studying with Reggie, please email [email protected].